How to Report Facebook Hack

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If you suspect that your Facebook account has been compromised or hacked, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect your personal information and regain control. Reporting the incident to Facebook is essential to rectifying the situation and securing your account. A facebook hacker can gain access to your account. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in reporting a Facebook hack, ensuring you can confidently navigate the process and regain control of your account.

In this guide, we will discuss the signs of a hacked Facebook account, the importance of reporting the incident, and the necessary steps to follow to report the hack effectively. We will also explore additional measures you can take to enhance the security of your Facebook account, prevent future hacks, and safeguard your online presence.

Can you Report a Facebook hack?

Yes, you can report a Facebook hack to Facebook’s support team. Remember, reporting a Facebook hack is crucial for your safety and the collective security of the platform’s users. Let’s empower ourselves with the knowledge and actions necessary to combat cybercrime and ensure a safer digital environment for all Facebook users.

What are the Signs of a Facebook Hack?

Several signs can indicate that your Facebook account has been hacked. Here are some common signs to watch out for:

1. Unusual Activity: 

If you notice any unusual activity on your account, such as posts you didn’t make, messages you didn’t send, or friend requests you didn’t initiate; it could be a sign of a hack.

2. Unauthorized Access: 

If you cannot log into your Facebook account despite entering the correct credentials, it’s possible that someone has gained unauthorized access and changed your password.

3. Changed Password or Email: 

If you receive notifications that your password or email address has been changed without your knowledge or consent, it strongly suggests that your account has been compromised.

4. Suspicious Apps or Permissions:

 If you notice unfamiliar apps listed in your Facebook settings or if existing apps have gained excessive permissions that you did not grant, it could indicate a hack.

5. Unfamiliar Devices or Locations: 

Facebook provides information about the devices and locations where your account is logged in. If you see unfamiliar devices or locations that you haven’t used before, it may signal a security breach.

6. Missing or Deleted Friends: 

If you discover that some of your friends have been removed from your friend list, the hacker may have tampered with your account settings.

7. Unusual Privacy Settings: 

Hackers may modify your privacy settings to publicize your posts or personal information, allowing them to exploit your account or impersonate you.

8. Unwanted Tagging or Spamming: 

If your account is being used to tag you in posts or photos you didn’t create, or if your account is spamming others with suspicious links or messages, it could be a sign of a hack.

If you suspect your Facebook account has been hacked, taking immediate action to secure your account is essential. Change your password, enable two-factor authentication, review your privacy settings, and report the issue to Facebook’s support team for further assistance.

What are Immediate Actions to Take?

If your Facebook account has been hacked, here are some immediate actions you should take:

A. Change your Facebook password: 

Immediately change your Facebook password to ensure the hacker can no longer access your account. Choose a strong, unique password that includes a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.

B. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): 

Enable 2FA for your Facebook account. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a verification code, usually sent to your mobile device, and your password when logging in. This way, even if the hacker knows your password, they won’t be able to access your account without the verification code.

C. Review and update your privacy settings: 

Check your privacy settings on Facebook and ensure they are set to your desired level of privacy. Review who can see your posts, personal information, and other account details. Adjust the settings to ensure that only trusted individuals can view your content and personal data.

How to Gather Evidence to Report Facebook Hack?

If you suspect that your Facebook account has been hacked and you want to gather evidence to report the incident, there are several steps you can take:

1. Take screenshots or record relevant details: 

Capture screenshots of any suspicious activities or changes on your Facebook account. This can include unauthorized posts, messages, friend requests, or modifications to your profile settings. Additionally, note down any unusual behaviors or unexpected changes you have noticed.

2. Note any suspicious messages or interactions: 

If you have received any suspicious messages or interactions from your Facebook account, make a record of them. Include details such as the sender’s name, the content of the message, and any attachments or links involved. This information can be useful in understanding the nature of the hack and providing evidence.

3. Preserve any emails or notifications related to the hack: 

Facebook usually sends email notifications when there are suspicious activities or unauthorized access attempts on your account. Keep these emails as evidence. If you have received any other related notifications, such as password reset emails or alerts about changes to your account settings, preserve them as well.

4. Maintain a timeline: 

Create a timeline of events related to the hack. Include dates, times, and a detailed description of each suspicious activity or incident. This timeline can help you present a clear and organized report of the hack.

5. Report the incident to Facebook: 

Once you have gathered sufficient evidence, report the Facebook hack to the platform. Visit the Facebook Help Center or the Support page and follow the instructions to report a compromised account. Provide all your collected evidence, including screenshots, messages, and emails.

Remember, acting swiftly when you suspect a Facebook hack is important to protect your account and personal information. Change your password immediately, enable two-factor authentication for added security, and report the incident to Facebook immediately.

What are the Steps to Report the Facebook Hack?

To report a Facebook hack, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the Facebook Help Center

Open a web browser and go to the Facebook Help Center at This is where you can find assistance with various issues related to your Facebook account.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Report a Problem” section

On the Facebook Help Center page, look for the “Report a Problem” option. It is usually located at the bottom of the page. Click on it to proceed.

Step 3: Select the appropriate option for reporting a hacked account

You will find a list of common issues in the “Report a Problem” section. Look for an option related to reporting a hacked account. It might be labeled as a “Hacked or Fake Account” or something similar. Click on that option to continue.

Step 4: Follow the prompts and provide the necessary information

Facebook will give you prompts and forms to gather information about the hacked account. Follow the instructions carefully and provide as much relevant information as possible. This may include details such as the email address or phone number associated with the hacked account, any suspicious activities you’ve noticed, and any additional supporting evidence you might have.

Step 5: Submit the report and wait for a response

After providing all the necessary information, review the details for accuracy and completeness. Once you are satisfied, submit the report. Facebook will typically review your report and investigate the issue. They may reach out to you for further information if needed. Be patient and wait for their response. Facebook will provide instructions on what to do next, such as resetting your password or securing your account.

Remember, it’s important to take additional steps to secure your account, such as changing your password, enabling two-factor authentication, and reviewing your privacy settings, to prevent further unauthorized access.

How long does it take Facebook to review a hacked account?

Typically, the time it takes for Facebook to review a hacked account can vary. Facebook has a dedicated team works on account security and recovery, aiming to resolve such issues as quickly as possible.

The exact duration of the review process depends on various factors, including the severity of the hack, the volume of similar cases, and the completeness of the information provided by the account owner. In some cases, Facebook may be able to restore access to the account promptly, while in others, it may take longer, especially if the hack is complex or requires further investigation.

If your Facebook account has been hacked, it is recommended to report the issue to Facebook immediately through their official channels. You can find the necessary steps and guidance on Facebook’s Help Center or Support pages. Following their instructions and providing all relevant information will increase the chances of a faster resolution.

Additional Steps for Account Recovery

  If you are facing issues with account recovery, here are some additional steps you can take:

  1. Contact Facebook Support directly: Reach out to Facebook’s support team for assistance with your account recovery. They can provide guidance, troubleshoot the issue, and help you regain access to your account.
  2. Cooperate with Facebook’s security measures and investigations: Facebook has security measures to protect user accounts. If your account has been compromised or flagged for suspicious activity, cooperate fully with any investigations they may conduct. This may involve providing additional information or verifying your identity to ensure the security of your account.
  3. Secure your other online accounts: It’s important to secure them, especially if your Facebook account has been compromised. Here are some measures you can take.

By following these additional steps, you can enhance the security of your online presence and minimize the risk of further compromise.

Preventative Measures for Future Protection

Here are some preventative measures for future protection in terms of cybersecurity:

  • Regularly update your passwords and use strong, unique ones
  • Be cautious of suspicious links or phishing attempts
  • Educate yourself on cybersecurity best practices


In conclusion, reporting a Facebook hack is crucial for safeguarding your personal information and protecting your online presence. If you suspect your Facebook account has been compromised, you must report it to Facebook.

Remember, reporting a Facebook hack is important for your security and helps Facebook identify and take action against malicious actors. By following these steps and promptly reporting incidents, you make the online community safer for everyone. Stay vigilant and proactive in protecting your online presence. Learn More


Q: Can I recover my hacked Facebook account?

A: Yes, you can recover your hacked Facebook account by following the account recovery process provided by Facebook. Make sure to change your password and enable two-factor authentication for enhanced security.

Q: Will Facebook notify me if my account is hacked?

A: Facebook may send email notifications to alert you of suspicious activities or password changes on your account. However, it is still important to remain vigilant and regularly check for any signs of a hack.

Q: How long does it take for Facebook to respond to a hacked account report?

A: Facebook’s response time may vary, but they usually investigate reports of hacked accounts promptly. Keep an eye on your email for any updates or requests for additional information.

Q: Can I prevent my Facebook account from getting hacked?

A: While it’s impossible to guarantee complete security, you can take steps to minimize the risk of your Facebook account getting hacked. Use strong and unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be cautious of suspicious links and apps.

Q: Should I inform my friends if my Facebook account gets hacked?

A: It’s advisable to inform your friends if your Facebook account gets hacked. This way, they can be aware of any potential malicious activities originating from your compromised account.