Canada’s attractiveness for foreign direct investment – Key facts
A significant challenge for Canada has been attracting FDI – (foreign direct investment) in recent years. Foreign investors have found the nation because of its economic growth, stable political environment, skilled labor force, and business-friendly regulations. As a top investment destination, Canada is characterized by its strategic location, its abundance of natural resources, and its modern infrastructure.
Investors can make wiser choices and increase their profits by understanding a few facts about Canada’s FDI competitiveness in this environment.
Some highlights
- Canadian economic growth is project to be among the fastest in 2022 and 2023, with a 4.6% growth rate in 2021.
- According to the G7 nations, Canada’s population is expected to grow at the second highest rate, and its employees will grow at the fastest rate.
- Although inflationary pressures are still consider at the beginning of 2022, they reached 6.7% in March, well below the US rate of 8.5%.
- Canada has had the most favorable business environment among the G20 nations for five years.
- Within the G20, Canada took first place in peace and second place in a democracy.
The Canadian government welcomes foreign investment and is open to business
- Canada, which has continuously been rated in the top two over the previous five years, will be the best G20 country in which to conduct business within the upcoming five years (2022-2026).
- Canada comes in third place among the G7 nations in terms of how easy it is to launch a company and how likely it is to attract investments over the next three years.
- Canadian companies found the regulatory environment to be the least complex among the G20 countries.
- Canadian foreign direct investment (FDI) was ranked second among G20 nations in 2016-2020 in terms of its stock of FDI relative to GDP.
Fiscal stability and a strong economy
- Global economic growth will be severely affected by the war in Ukraine in 2022. Conflict exacerbates the impact of the pandemic on the economy. As a result, after a projected growth of 4.6% in 2021, we are forecasting a 3.9% rise in 2022 and a 2.8% rise in 2023 for the Canadian economy.
- Furthermore, Canada’s job growth rate of 4.8% in 2021 was the highest out of the G7 countries, bringing its labor force participation rate nearly back to pre-pandemic levels (about 65%).
- Although inflationary pressures are still considered at the beginning of 2022, they reached 6.7% in March, well below the US rate of 8.5%.
- As a reaction to persistent inflationary pressures, the Bank of Canada raised interest rates to curb domestic demand growth and make sure supply growth was closer to demand.
- Having provided general assistance to individuals and organizations in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the government is now focusing on targeting investments that will increase the country’s economic capacity, prosperity, resilience, and security.
- Historically, Canada’s net debt to GDP ratio has been the lowest in the G7 with a current ratio of roughly 33%.
An environment with low costs and low taxes
- One of the lowest corporate income tax rates in the G7 will be 26.2% in 2021 under the combined federal-provincial statutory rate.
- A low statutory corporate income tax rate is the predominant feature of Canada’s zero-emission technology industry in the G7. Out of 20 countries, it ranks second with 13 of the top 100 most likely to have a profound impact on the global cleantech market over the next five to ten years.
- It is not taxed to import raw materials and manufacturing equipment into Canada. In Canada, the entire cost of machinery and equipment used in commodity production. As well as certain renewable energy equipment, can be deducted from taxes after the first year of ownership.
- The Accelerated Investment Incentive of Canada allows businesses to quickly recoup their initial investment costs. Thereby reducing their investment risk.
- As a result of its low tax treatment for new business investment. Canada has the lowest rate of 13.2% among the G7, much lower than the United States (17.7%) and below average in the OECD.
- In Canada, it is even more beneficial in the service sector (16.0% compared to 23.8% in the US). As well as in manufacturing and processing (3.0% compared to 20.1% in the US).
Workforce with a high level of education and competitiveness
- A 0.6% increase in the Canadian population was recorded in 2021. After the United Kingdom (0.7%), which has the second-highest growth rate among the G7 countries.
- A majority of Canadians between 25 and 64 have completed postsecondary education. Making Canada the OECD country with the most educated population.
- There are more than 200 languages spoken by Canadians other than English and French. Nearly 1 in 5 speak more than one of them.
- During the next five years, Canada will invest over $380 million in promoting the prompt and effective admission of workers, students, and other groups.
- As part of its Global Skills Strategy, Canada encourages firms to hire highly qualified international workers. The strategy have successful approving 95% applications (73000 work permits have grant between June 2017 and October 2021).
North American and international gateway
- 15 free trade agreements are active in Canada, covering 51 countries.
- A country like Canada has preferential access to a global market that accounts for 60% of global output. Generates 57 trillion dollars. In combined gross domestic product, and has 1.5 billion consumers.
- Around US$2 billion in foreign trade is said to occur daily between the United States and Canada. The primary anchor the trade, 16 of Canada’s 20 largest cities are within a 90-minute drive of the Canadian-American border.
- In addition to granting foreign investors access to a combined market with a GDP of more than US$26 trillion. 500 million customers through the CUSMA – (Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement). Canada also offers nearly tariff-free access to Mexico and the United States markets.
An environment that encourages cutting-edge innovation
- Innovation plays a key role in Canada’s economy. The government plans to give $750 million over a six-year period to Canada’s Global Innovation Clusters to support their expansion. By building on their current success, these clusters will expand their national reach and impact.
- According to the G7, Canada is the leader in postsecondary research investment.
- A significant portion of Canada’s R&D tax incentives is among the highest in the G7. Research and Development (R&D) is Canada’s largest tax incentive program, with $3 billion in annual tax incentives.
- A $15 billion Canada Growth Fund (CGF) has been announce by the Canadian government. Attract investment meet Canada’s climate goals, diversify the Canadian economy.
- New technologies and low-carbon industries, and help restructure vital supply chains, including natural resources.
Among the financial sectors with the highest degree of stability
- In the G20, Canada ranks second, and overall, sixth out of 141 nations with the strongest financial system.
- It is no secret that Canada have seven of the world’s top 50 banks that are recognize as reliable and secure.
A wonderful place to live and thrive
- The level of living in Canada is among the highest in the world.
- The quality of life in Canada is the highest out of the 78 countries surveyed.
- As a leader in social progress, Canada is a member of the G20. As for well-being, it ranks sixth in the world and third for environmental quality. As far as peace and democracy are concerned, it ranks first out of all G20 nations.
- The Canadian economy is one of the freest of any G20 nation.
Canada is an attractive and competitive location for foreign direct investment due to its robust economy. First-rate infrastructure, high-quality workforce, and strong political and judicial systems.
Canada’s immigration system specifically, the Express Entry draw, which gives businesses access to the skilled labor pool in Canada, plays a major role in attracting foreign direct investment.