Common Mistakes To Avoid When Designing a Landing Page

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Landing pages are one of your most crucial tools for generating leads, but most of the examples you’ll see are, to put it mildly, uninteresting. Despite all the design best practices and guidelines that are currently available, I still see far too many brands consistently making the same errors with their landing pages.

Don’t make these errors with your own landing page designs since you’ll merely waste time and money while receiving subpar results, as I will show you in this article.

Having Insufficient Landing Pages:

Studies from 2011 demonstrated that firms would see greater results if they had more landing pages. Why? Because instead of attempting to appeal to everyone with the same few pages, many businesses are designing landing sites to cater to very specialized customer demands. When you attempt to accomplish too much on a single landing page, you already set yourself up for failure.

A Roundabout Approach:

You now have to convey this compellingly with a clear purpose and message, and you only have a few seconds to do so. Users decide whether to visit a website “in the blink of an eye” or 50 milliseconds, according to studies from back in 2006.

This implies you have a problem if your message doesn’t get to the point and persuade readers that you have something worthwhile to offer.

Causing a Distraction:

The last thing you want to do is introduce extraneous distractions when your goal is to convey your information concisely. As was already mentioned, this is crucial for conveying your message clearly, but it also applies to every other element of your landing page.

Distractions divert users’ focus from the primary benefit your offer offers. They can also make visitors unsure of what to do, and if you give them too many alternatives, choice fatigue is always a possibility. None of these things are ideal for conversion rates.

Adding Friction:

Nothing gets in the way of your message and its target audience with distraction-free landing page designs. Thought must still be given to reducing friction when it comes to conversions. Users will leave the session without converting if there is an unnecessary obstacle in their path to action.

Not Making Your Forms Conversion-Optimized:

Web forms are one of the main sites of friction on every landing page. There is no simple way to approach this subject, but the best place to begin is by creating shapes from the outset with conversions in mind.

From here, your objective is to gradually improve your forms to get rid of troublesome fields and other conversion-blocking design flaws.

Ignoring Customer Complaints:

People will continue to have reservations about supporting your company, regardless of how compelling your offer is or how well your landing page sells it. Neglecting these buyer concerns is a significant error because it’s hard for people to trust a faceless brand, especially when they’re seeing your landing page/brand for the first time.

lengthy Loading Delays:

If visitors leave before the landing page has finished loading, all your efforts to design conversion-focused landing pages will be in vain.

Users’ demands for faster loading times increase as the web gets more sophisticated, and many brands are lagging behind. More than 50% of visitors abandon pages that take longer than 2-3 seconds to load, which includes the vast majority of landing pages.

Inadequate Mobile Experience:

Although it may seem outdated to discuss mobile optimization in 2017 (I know, old news), the vast majority of landing pages utterly fail to deliver a respectable experience across devices.

Of course, loading times play a significant role in this, but there are also frequent errors in basic design. It is ridiculous not to offer a uniform experience across devices when the bulk of searches are conducted on mobile.

Lackluster Calls to Action:

Your calls to action are what will ultimately determine how successful your landing pages are in converting visitors into leads. Your chance to convert is dead in the water if your CTAs are weak.

Anything less than that will result in your landing pages doing poorly. You need to catch people’s attention and make your offer difficult to refuse.

Your CTAs must first stand out, so utilize strong color contrast and prominent features to make them appealing to the eye. The next step is to persuade others to act.

Use the button language to reiterate the main value of your offer and make clear the next step consumers should do (e.g., “Create my free account,” “Build your first landing page,” etc.).


Landing pages are important. Taking audience research, relevancy, and user experience seriously can avoid all of the errors we’ve examined today.

When you know what each of your target customers wants, you can develop highly targeted marketing messages that appeal to their needs.

Your language starts to seem more persuasive, the advantages of your offer become more obvious, and it’s harder to ignore your calls to action.

The final step is to bundle this information in a way that eliminates all obstacles to conversion, and your fleet of landing pages will start producing significant financial gains.

You can employ custom website developers to design an error-free landing page for your website at any time, as skilled web developers are familiar with such mistakes and can nip them in the bud before they devolve into something worse.